Proiecte e-Twinning
Promo eTwinning
Around The Year in 20 Days (septembrie 2010/februarie 2011)
Project International Mathem’Alphabet Book, 2010-2011
Maths Without Borders (martie-iunie 2011)
Georg on tour, 2011-2012
Maths Riddles, 2011-2012
Triangles are everywhere, 2012-2013
Start Teaching with Alternative Route (STAR), ian-octombrie 2013
Healty lifistyle and Math, XI A, 2013-2014, proiect eTwinning
Mathematics and the recipe that reunites our family, VI, 2013-2014, proiect eTwinning
Correspondencia Francia Rumania/ Correspondance France Roumanie 2013-2014, XI B, 2013-2014, proiect eTwinning
MIMIS: Multiple Intelligences in Mathematics and Science 2014-2015
Gastronomia nationala in context european, 2014-2015
Teens in Europe, 2014-2015
Idei de afaceri/Business Ideas, 2014-2015
Past, Present and Future with the Mysterious Pi, IX A, 2015-2016
Unity and diversity in the European Union, VII, 2015-2016
Let’s discover our European Math World!, 10 A, 2016-2017
PI is travelling Europe! (2018-2019)
GeomCityLooks: Nos regards de geometre sur la ville (2019-2020)
I AM THE WORLD – Getting ready, IX A (2020-2021)
Trasee virtuale, dincolo de literatura, VIII (2020-2021)
Healthy Person Healthy World, IX A (2019-2020)
Fun English with Web 2.0 Tools, X A (2020-2021)